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    Public Non-Degree Application

    Non-Degree Seeking Student

    Students who take Bellin College courses but are not enrolled in a Bellin College major are considered Non-Degree Seeking students.

    Non-Degree Seeking students:

    • Earn regular credit which is permanently recorded on the transcript.
    • Are not eligible for financial aid, since they are classified as “non-degree seeking” and not enrolled in a particular major.
    • Are subject to all normal College regulations and policies.
    • Enrollment for non-degree seeking students is on space available basis only. 
    If you are interested in taking prerequisite courses for a degree-seeking program at Bellin College, please contact to ensure you are enrolling in the correct prerequisite courses. Complete the form below to be connected with our Registrar's Office to sign up for classes. In the box that asks which classes you'd like to take, list out your requests. Available classes can be found here: Available Courses
    Please complete this application to enroll in non-degree-seeking courses at Bellin College. Once completed, the Registrar's Office will reach out to confirm course enrollment. If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office at
    Name & Address Information
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    Permission to Text
    Permission to Text
    Emergency Contact
    Demographic Information
    The following student data does not affect your admission status and is requested only to aid in the completion of federal, state, and college reports.
    Academic History
    Add School
    If you have questions about what classes to take to meet prerequisite requirements for a degree-seeking program (Nursing, Sonography, Radiology, Radiation Therapy, Surgical Assisting) please contact before completing this form. 
    Course options can be found here: Available Courses
    Checkmark each statement below to indicate that it is true and accurate